Lots of people have favorite seasons. Me? Every season is my favorite season. The reason for this is that I don't want to limit my happiness to a certain time of year. Why not throw favoritism to the wind and have the best time you can with the special perks of each season?
That being said, my favorite time of year right now is spring (go figure). I always forget how much I love the vibrant blue sky until the spring winds come and pull the clouds back, like a curtain, to reveal that crystal clear sky. Somehow, even when I look out five minuets later and clouds cover the sky again, that little glimpse of radiance supplies my heart with joy and the reassurance that even though I can't see something, it's still there.
So let's dive into just a few of the things that make spring special to me.
☼ Warm Weather
Here in the Rocky Mountains,
this perk must be taken with a grain of salt, or rather a flurry of snow, but we have had a few days over 70 degrees. I love not having to wear a huge coat when I go out to do chores.
New Growth
Whether it's a flower, grass, a tree, or even a weed, new things are bursting forth everywhere, and who isn't encouraged by that?
☼ Birds
We have some birds here in the winter. But not enough to satisfy me. I love the first morning that I wake up and am greeted by the cheerful chirping of the songbirds.
Baby Animals
I found this lamb picture on the internet and a picture is worth a thousand words.
Do you ever swerve just so you can drive through the puddles on the road? Well I do. We haven't had enough rain yet to warrant any big puddles, but I'm still hopeful.
Spring Break
Being homeschooled, I never got to experience to joy of this (we were lucky to get Christmas off), but now that I am taking a college class and work as a sort of teacher, I've learned to appreciate it.
Happy People
This is technically not a season specific perk, but seeing other people happy makes me happy and I have been noticing a lot of cheerful folks recently.
Okay, so this one is a little abstract, but yesterday I went to Kmart and all of their fall/winter stuff was discounted. I don't just mean discounted, I mean DISCOUNTED. Well, maybe not that much, but it made me happy all the same.
There are so many other things, but I hope this small list has brightened your day somehow and I hope you are enjoying your spring.
I couldn't help one last picture.
(I did take this one.) |
Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf of spring-time." ~Martin Luther~